Monday, January 12, 2009


wait out the days, until death comes to claim anything life didn't already take.
a sad truth in our world today. i get tired of hearing all of the things that are taken away from us every day. whether it be spiritual or physical, our everyday is being changed and formed to fit some sort of safe ideal. my father would always refer to windows xp as being the childrens version of windows. it was rounded on the edges so that the user wouldnt cut themselves. a sort of 'safety scissor operating system.' sadly that is what everything is coming to though. how many times in the day do you see a sign that reads something to save your life? vitamins, guns, organic, hybrid, security, speed limits. it all is there to protect us, but what do we need protecting from? sit inside your house all day and be safe. eliminated all contact with other human beings. take away the joy you may have of eating raw fish. never step outside your boundaries to have fun. so many things are taken away to make us 'safe' but what are we saving if we never live our lives? 
so i guess what im saying is step out of line a little even if it means youll get strip searched at the airport. as far as we know you only live once so you might as well live, and most importantly, keep moving.

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