as if we can even begin to understand our world. we go from event to event, from anger to love, from joy to hatred, with some elegant transition that can be known to no one man. life is exactly as it is. it is life and nothing more to it than that. we all start at exactly the same point but end up in so many different places. so i wonder, is it the transitions from one state to another that make us who we are? would trying harder on day and less the next make any significant difference in the lives of those around us and even those which have simply crossed our path in the every day. that one small gesture could change a life. that one small thing that you or i do could significantly and irreversibly change ones life and history as we know it. i wonder now how life would have differed when thinking of small daily choices i had made and do make on a regular basis. what difference could i have made for myself or can i make for myself? or is all of this just trivial? are we destined to serve our purpose determined to us by fate at the moment we are created in the world? does someone die because that is what they are supposed to do? you can wonder, but i think it will be the end of you. the truth of the matter is, no one in our society, no one in our time, no one anywhere really cares. they all just want to know how to keep moving. they want to know how to get from a to b and then back to a again. the everyday is everything. i love the people that say 'live everyday like it is your last' as if that is inspirational. let me just say that it is not. how would you like it if i got up in front of your children at their schools and shouted, 'hey kids, dont fuck up because you might die tomorrow and then thats all youll be remembered as - a fuck up." fuck inspirational speeches and quotes for that matter. no one should have to be told what to do to enjoy themselves or look up. the truth of life is that everyday isnt great. most days arent great. its every once in a great while when everything clicks and you see it all out in front of you. its all yours for the taking. thats a good day. its not about the last thing you do. its about the life on the whole. do you remember smiling? do you remember making someone smile? thats life. yeah people die and yeah it hurts, but you get through and one day you die to.
the point of it all is that life is strung together with the good and bad like a giant shiskabob. you may not like the pineapple, but you always know the steak comes after that so itll all be alright. good things do happen amidst all the bad so the only thing you can do is keep moving.
If I lay in bed at night and think too much about outer space, I pass out.