im not sleeping at night
but im going from bar to bar
why cant we just rewind
i will wonder for the rest of my life the poor decisions i have made in the past. its a funny thing though. i will never question the good decisions i made even though it is highly possible that those decisions ultimately led to bad decisions. it is a balance of sorts. life is not like a box of chocolates. heaven is like a box of chocolates; every bite is awesome regardless of what the flavor is, and you truly never know what you will get. but no, life is more like a well developed city. say ever road meets another at 90 degrees, there are parks every so often. traffic is efficient, and the skyline is not the scar of the open land, but rather a beautiful bar of notes suspended. but even this most perfect city has sewers full of shit. thats life. even the best is not perfect. and truly the best does not really exist, but i guess we will all keep trying no matter what happens. i will keep moving.
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