sometimes you have to go with the flow and have a little faith that everything will work out for the best. a lot of people in my immediate circle are obsessed with knowing whats coming. i wont say that im not, im just saying that we all need a little break from that sometimes to see where the winds take us. today i had a great failure, perhaps one of the most profoundly significant in my life, but honestly it all went along side me. i really didnt mind it much. everything wiggles its way out in the end one way or another and ill still be here.
i think that people dont find enough meaning in their life. dont say you dont have meaning either. everybody has meaning whether they know it or not. everyone cares for something. this is the secret though, you have to care for something so powerfully, so unconditionally, so passionately that you know you will never lose it. thats the most important part of life to each and everyone of us. the past few weeks i have found that and i have to say that where it would have bothered me before when certain things happened, i really dont mind it now. no matter what i will have that one which is closest me always, without condition.
to have meaning, is to have something that through it all can not be lost. it is the one constant in the world if inconstancies. we take it and keep moving.