Sunday, February 8, 2009

just dont say it.

if you cant find a way to help her you can go to hell
i wish there was a way sometimes. you can plan, you can pray, you can hope, and you can do everything in your power and yet everything falls apart sometimes. when it does they say you are left to pick up the pieces. but maybe you are tired of picking up the pieces and your tired of buying superglue and your tired of spending saturdays building puzzles. maybe you are tired of being tired. or maybe you are just plain tired. we are human beings. nothing more nothing less. i wonder how it is that we of all of the creatures on earth seem to have the highest capacity for emotion. we have it all - anger, happiness, sadness, joy, and everything in between. is there a point that we have too much? can we no longer take it anymore? lets just live like monkeys for awhile and pick grapes from trees. maybe then we would not kill one another physically. maybe then we would not kill one another emotionally.
when you think of someone that you hate. think of them now. when you think of them, and you think of all of these things you would do or say to them if you had the chance. now think of them on the floor beneath you. you shot them in the back and now they lay. a canyon down their back with a red river flowing forth. they wont make you mad anymore. they wont make anyone mad anymore. no anger, no joy. they are done. could you take it? what gives someone the right over another? what makes us even think this in the first place? why is it that everything on this earth is a balance. a scale that we are trying to force in our direction just enough so that our feet touch the ground, and when they do, we will run with it. where? why? how? is no one content with living where they are now? is no one content with living. i know they say you should have goals in your life, but you should also have fun. otherwise why do you keep moving?

1 comment:

  1. I do not hate anyone. And I don't mean that in the righteous poncy way. It is just that all of the people who I have the potential of hating, I have a long history of loving and because of it, I only hate them for a time but underneath the surface that is not really what it is. Hurt or something more. And Love. Which, honestly, is kind of disappointing sometimes because I wish I could just be ANGRY at someone without all the other emotions getting in the way and changing my mind. My mind is too balanced and well-rounded. I'm going to go pick grapes.
