Monday, October 19, 2009

not a bad busy.

we say no, cause i live my life like a burning man.
i know to those of you who actually read this that i havent been writing too much these days. its sad i know. life has been busy to say the least. not a bad busy though. i must say thank you for that. i have been doing school, work, and mixing some fun in there too. i just keep sitting in amazement though to look at the time and the past few weeks and wonder where it all goes. i mean i can see where it has all been and what i was doing and when but it just amazes me that it all flies by so quickly. i wonder then if all of the rest of my life will be like this? when your younger they say enjoy it while it lasts because it only gets worse and the time flies by. now time is flying by but its about the same not worse. im 20 now. i havent even taken that all in. i look at it and it is like i am moving so fast i should be on fire, breaking through sheets of glass that are the tasks of my everyday.
well i am going to sleep now. one thing they never say is that when you get older you dont get to sleep.
oh and fuck the 'bicycle link'. those shit-tards broke my bike and charged me for it.
so take all that and keep moving.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

streaks of proverbial fire.

theres no point trying to change it.
a feeling of disachievement. thats what i have at the end of a long weekend when not much happened academically. it was my birthday and a party happened and not much past that. the usual criminals (not suspects, we know theyre all guilty) and even some new ones which was nice. the end of it all i look back and there were only a few times remembered and the rest flew by. thats what fall will do. we dont fall we just forget. it all blends together and you end up with this colorful image. its looking out the passenger window. the sky is grayish blue. the leaves are orange, red, yellow, on fire. the grass is bright green like it is in the fall after the first few leaves hit the floor. it all blends together into streaks of proverbial fire and you - you dont even know whats in store. i am gone and youre still there and things havent started yet, but they are about to. and oh if i could go back and change it now i would, but that is disachievement. and so your heart falls to the floor where i left it. i think its still there today, along with a little edge of my smile. every bad weighs a little on my smile but its still up and i keep moving. please, you keep moving.