Tuesday, June 16, 2009

we will fight ours.

did you ever think someones trickin you?
today (and yesterday and everyday from here on out) mccain criticized the president for not taking a more firm action on the rising turmoil in pakistan. obama is taking a neutral political approach and applauded the pakistani's rights to provide a peaceful protest to the government. just as any person or group of people is aloud to protest in the united states.
where did the sense of overwhelming right and power in people come from? why is it that some people think that it is our job to take care of the rest of the world. pakistan in no way shape or form is affected by actions of the us that would lead them to the position they are in now. it is not the united state's job to monitor and protect other countries. i can not imagine if mccain had won the election. would we be charging head strong into pakistan to quell revolutionary spirits now? ('liberating them') countries are allowed to have inner turmoil and it is not our responsibility to change that. our responsibility is to focus on our country. lets put money into the schools, hospitals, fire/police stations, roads, alternative energy, and homeless. let us create government jobs for the people by improving our infrastructure. let us do something with what we have to improve what we have and stop pouring our money into the middle east. every time you fill up, another novelty shaped island is man made in abu dabi. another joke is placed at our expense. yes alternative fuel is expensive, but now so is gasoline, and if we had spent 2 trillion on updating our infrastructure we could be through all of the crisis now.
the base root of it all is that the people of the mideast will always fight. they have since the beginning of our history for one reason or another. let them fight their war and we will fight ours. lets keep moving.

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