Tuesday, March 24, 2009

confusing melodies without a sound.

its got me out of my head
and i dont know what i came for.
i am confused. i am lost. i am finding my way, and damn its confusing.
admission is awful. i dont mean in the sense of getting into college. i mean in admitting something to someone. without it there is no distinction between the people in our lives. we have different levels of people that we know and they know more and more about us until they are closest and then they know more about us then we do ourselves. for most people that is their family. their stone pillar. their constant in life. for me it has been no one my entire life. i guess i have never trusted another soul with my deepest thoughts. the pieces of me that scare me and the pieces that keep me settled. 
ill let you hold my heart for a minute. hold it in your hands. feel what i feel. see how i see. but know that it is my vision, not yours. i saw you tear yourself apart. i saw you let them get the better of you. i watched them pick every last piece. then i saw you collapse on the stoop in front of the door to everything you believed in. it broke my heart, but it is always mended. you cant blame yourself. you can only get back up and shake it off. you have got to get up. never give up on me. always keep moving.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously I don't know what you're refering to but I like this.
