Sunday, March 8, 2009

whos who? not i, said me.

was it the fucking high school that you went to that made you the cynic?
everyone has an inner dialogue whether you realize it or not. a lot of people will chose to deny this claim stating that they have no voices in their head and are not insane. other people take it a little far and let the voices channel physically through them. they are, without a doubt, insane.
these days are busy ones, but i am looking fondly on them. sad will be the days that are no longer busy. i dont think that i could ever retire. sitting in front of the tv is easier than working, but i would rather be working.
i was recently reminded of what horrible creatures humans are. we have an enormous ability to be compassionate and yet more often than not we are not. we choose instead to do the wrong thing. some of us i believe do the wrong thing consciously, while others are simply going through the motions. take a moment and look at the actions you have made in the last 24 hours and ask yourself whether you were: going through the motions, making poor choices, making purposeful choices, making an effort to do anything. i know that it is somewhat cliche to ask what the meaning of life is, but really why do we spend so much time in this black and empty space only to have a few choice moments of excitement? is it possible to dictate your life? truly to control it to the best of your ability. try it and find out. you can only get so far.
right now i am puzzling myself over what is to be done over the next few days, weeks, months, years. im sort of like that, always thinking ahead. usually i have a goal laid out and i have a general idea of what i am aiming for. well not usually, more like all of the time since i was born. the truth of the matter now though is that i have no idea. i really could not tell you what is going to happen in the next few months and im really not worried. i dont have to worry though, because i know that whether i worry or not, the world will keep moving.

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