but he took my shoulders and he shook my face
and he takes and he takes and he takes.
what is life without mistakes. mistakes are like time. they are nothing until we say they are. mistakes unto themselves do not exist until we place existence on them. then you think its this and you think that it is amazing then that half of all that we do is mistakes. half! then why do we place such a poor feeling on the idea of mistakes. if we consider that negative whats to say we consider success positive? what is the point that separates the two from one another?
the point of it is, we have created mistakes so why do we make them with a negative connotation? why can the human race not invent something good. something that does not limit, disguise, or destroy?
i have made mistakes in my life and i do make mistakes in my life - i always will. the question then that i and all of you should as is what makes it bad? what makes it good? if your glass is half empty then why do you really care anymore? why do you keep moving?