we can lose ourselvesnot find our way back home
till the whole world feels just like a saturday night
without a care in the world
without a net underneath us.
our world is one of compromise. we let the ones we love take a little piece of us and in return we get a piece of them. but when we go outside, its all about getting more pieces of the world than it gets of us. your success depends on this. you see, if you get less you fail, if you get more you win, if you get the same you might as well fail. which is dumb when you think about it. there are almost 7 billion people in the world and when you go with the odds on in three persons is successful (meaning they get more than they give). now im not being cynical but do you think you are one of the lucky third? sadly your chances are about the same for getting a disease as they are for being successful.
compromise. how much can you take? how much is too much. these days i find myself taking 2 steps forward and three steps back. which doesnt seem that bad on the whole for how many steps ive taken forward in my life. the point is this (oh yes there is a point to this one), i see my world as a sphere. i think most of us do. 2 steps forward and three steps back results in one step backwards. how many times can you do this? well ill tell you 40,340,266.7 will bring me all the way back around to where i started. so then the question is if i end up where i started am i losing ground? thats what i wonder and no one can tell me. no one seems to know. but heres what worries me even more than the answer to that. what if i make only half of those back steps? then on the other side of where i want to be, or maybe i was going to be there anyways if i had stepped forward to begin with. the point of it all is, dont take too many compromises. you just cant handle it all when it all hits the fan. compromise is like tape and we all know the chair ceases to be a chair when the chair is made of more than half tape. but i guess we just keep letting it be so that we arent uncomfortable. we all allow our fear of change and acceptance to take over what we want and what we are. if you are reading it here, try to be yourself for a day. not for anyone but yourself. try it out, without compromise. do the people that love you still love you? is your world still yours, or do you transcend to another plane; to that top one third? do it or dont, but please dont stop away from where you started, please keep moving.